MicroblogMondays: Strong Dad

The babies are 10 months now. Time just goes by so fast. Okra, my very sweet boy, used to be the champion formula drinker. After starting solids, his formula intake has tanked and he has also been experiencing constipation problems. We only feed him food that would help move things along but poor baby boy has visibly slimmed down and hasn’t gained any weight. He’s still heavy and still kind of chunky but it is not like before. On the other hand, Bunny who used to have problems with her formula all of a sudden took an interest in her bottles. For many days in a row her daily intake surpasses Okra’s. Despite being active all day long, her cheeks started to expand and her thighs are stronger and thicker. She feels much heavier to lift these days. I don’t carry the two of them at the same time anymore, but dad does. Here are the three of them:

Sometimes I’m just glad that I could stand back without having to hold anyone heavy. Hahahaha.

4 thoughts on “MicroblogMondays: Strong Dad

  1. Awwww! I like when my husband is around to help with heavy lifting, and that’s just with one baby lol.

    We struggled with constipation with AJ too. It’s important to start giving lots of water when they begin relying more on solids. Prune juice every day helped too (and she would actually drink it). Stewed prunes work well too, but maybe a bit too well so use sparingly lol.


  2. Both weight behaviors are normal at this age.
    LOTS MORE WATER for son if he is decreasing his formula intake as he needs fluids for gut mobility. Better to avoid sugar/sweet foods too. Might try cup with straw and see if novelty changes consumption. Some will not take formula from straw but will take water … trial and learn. DO NOT add sugar to fluids to increase acceptance, this really really really creates terrible habits and demands. AVOID the trap!
    You are doing great and so are your children.


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