They Are Here!!!

Baby A and Baby B are here to join our family!

Bunny, our Baby A, is the girl, and was born at 8:21am on Friday September 15, 2017.  She was 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 1/4 inches.

Okra, our Baby B, is the boy, and was born at 8:23am.  He was 6 lbs and 20 inches.

They are perfect in every way.  We are so so so so in love!

They are more beautiful than I ever imagined.

We are a family of four.

Annie is a rockstar.  She is doing well recovering.  She spent some quality time with the twins today.

My heart is so full.

Happy birthday babies!

Now we learn to be parents.

I will write more when there is time.

35 thoughts on “They Are Here!!!

  1. Congratulations! I started following your blog not long ago when I started my blog about hopefully becoming a surrogate. Your story tugged at my heartstrings and I’m so happy that you and your husband are finally parents. Congrats again and enjoy your babies!


  2. I’ve never commented on your blog before despite following it since late 2013 (when I was doing IVF myself). I’ve lurked and lurked and lurked and seen the utter lows you’ve had in your journey and wondered how anyone could get so much “unluckiness” in their life and still maintain such composure and equanimity. But now I have to de-lurk at the time of your highest high to wish you my heartfelt congratulations for Bunny and Okra and to send all my love as you and your partner start this amazing new life together!


  3. I am beyond thrilled for you and Bob!!!!!! Looking forward to hearing more about the birth of your beautiful babies!!!!!!! I was thinking of you all week! Hugs.


  4. Congrats! I’ve been following your journey and am so happy that you have your miracles now after so many years! I also had my first boy after 10 long years of infertility and many failed IVF’s. We were fortunate to have another little boy two years later, using the same donor we had for my first boy


  5. I am SO happy for you. I have followed you for a long time, and I know how special this is!!! I have thought about you often. So. Much. Love.


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